Did you know there were residents who live in parts of Zionsville and neighboring Whitestown who didn’t have full access to the Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library? As our community continues to grow, so does the need for Library service. That’s why we’re expanding our service area to include residents of Worth and Perry Townships. It’s an important process that involves research, planning, and support from community leaders and residents.
EXPANSION NEWS: Worth Township residents may now call the Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library (HMMPL) their home Library and receive a full-service Library card. The Worth Township Advisory Board accepted Hussey-Mayfield’s service proposal July 21 and took a final vote on the full resolution August 10. The plan, which took effect Wednesday, August 12, calls for HMMPL to provide permanent Library services to all township residents and build a branch in the area.
Residents may register for a Library Card at the Library’s main location, 250 N. 5th St., Zionsville or online at http://bit.ly/HMMPLcard.
Our next steps involve working with organizations serving Worth Township to form a community-based working group to help advise us regarding the scope of desired services, new branch construction, and overall project timing. Community meetings and focus groups will also be held with interested residents to determine desired needs.
The Library is also working with the Zionsville Mayor and Town Council to extend services to residents of Perry Township. A formal proposal for the Perry Township expansion will be discussed at an upcoming Zionsville Town Council meeting.
HMMPL has ordered a new bookmobile which could be on the road by December 2020. In addition, a book drop-box will be installed in the expansion area once a location has been confirmed.
HOW WE GOT HERE: Up until now, HMMPL only served residents of Eagle and Union Townships. For many years, our neighbors in Perry and Worth Townships were not in a public library service district and had to pay a fee to use the Library, as directed by state statute. Several years ago, HMMPL entered into agreements with a few area Township officials that allowed us to provide low-cost cards to those without a library. Worth and Perry Township residents were included in this popular plan.
During last year’s Community Conversations about our new Strategic Plan, you voiced a clear demand for Library services in the western portion of our service area. As our community continues to grow, we receive more and more requests for membership from residents outside of our current service area – young families seeking children’s programming, teenagers who want a place to study or meet up with friends, and adults who are looking for places to work, meet, and connect with information and cultural opportunities. We’ve been looking at ways to meet these needs.
Last year, our board discussed implementing contractual bookmobile service within Perry and Worth Townships sometime in 2020. Our goal is to provide increased access in the short term, while preparing for a new branch in the longer term. We met with several key leaders including both Zionsville and Whitestown town governments and community organizations.
Our planning was accelerated in June when we attended a Worth Township Advisory Board meeting where residents expressed a strong sentiment to move forward with a library branch as soon as possible. Recent conversations with the Mayor’s office in Zionsville have revealed a similar desire for Perry Township residents to receive permanent Library service.
MORE SERVICES, CONVENIENCE & COMMUNITY: Extending services to residents in unserved areas will strengthen our entire community. Studies show that students with access to a local library excel academically. Plus, our new Worth Township branch will provide added space for public use, like meeting and study rooms, as well as more capacity for programming and services. This branch will also be accessible to residents in our current Library service district, many of whom might find it conveniently located near popular shopping centers, schools, and their daily commute.
For more information, please go to : https://zionsvillelibrary.org/library-expansion/, or stay up to date by connecting with the HMMPLFoundation to get involved or find out more by joining our email list at the bottom of this page or fill out the contact form.